I recently needed to build myself an ubuntu 12.04-lts (amd64) vagrant box that would work in parallels. The problem was that the vagrant-parallels plugin does not provide you that box, and there is very little information on how to build one yourself. (note - that link is not up to date).
The link above got me part way there, but I found that I did not need to install the parallels SDK or do any voodoo restarts.
The idea is the same though, use veewee to build the vagrant-parallels box. Unfortunately veewee does not have very good docs about how to do this.
The solution was to modify the veewee 'ubuntu 12.04-lts' definition and to replace the virtualbox.sh setup with a parallels.sh setup which I found elsewhere.
So here is how you can build a vagrant parallels ubuntu server box:
Updates to this process may be found on my github page for this: https://github.com/mkoryak/vagrant-parallels-ubuntu-12.04-lts
The link above got me part way there, but I found that I did not need to install the parallels SDK or do any voodoo restarts.
The idea is the same though, use veewee to build the vagrant-parallels box. Unfortunately veewee does not have very good docs about how to do this.
The solution was to modify the veewee 'ubuntu 12.04-lts' definition and to replace the virtualbox.sh setup with a parallels.sh setup which I found elsewhere.
So here is how you can build a vagrant parallels ubuntu server box:
- you should have parallels installed (tested with 8)
- make sure that you have ruby 1.9.2 installed
- go to http://downloads.vagrantup.com/ and install it
vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
sudo gem install veewee
bundle exec veewee parallels define 'ubuntu-12.04-lts' 'https://github.com/mkoryak/vagrant-parallels-ubuntu-12.04-lts.git/definitions/parallels-ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64'
bundle exec veewee parallels build 'ubuntu-12.04-lts' --workdir=.
bundle exec veewee parallels export 'ubuntu-12.04-lts' --workdir=.
Now you have a vagrant parallels box.
To import it into vagrant type:
vagrant box add 'ubuntu' './ubuntu-12.04-lts.box'
To use it:
vagrant init 'ubuntu'
vagrant up --provider=parallels
vagrant ssh
Updates to this process may be found on my github page for this: https://github.com/mkoryak/vagrant-parallels-ubuntu-12.04-lts